Please note: This post is now well over 3 years old and no longer represents my view on superfoods. For the sake of transparency I have not removed it, and have explained my reasons for changing my views in this blog post here. If you have any other questions about Organic Burst, or superfoods in general, feel free to drop me an email.
I don’t remember how I came across Organic Burst, although I imagine it was through Instagram somehow, but I’m so glad I did because to say I adore their products is an understatement! Organic Burst are a UK based company that make only the finest quality, pure, and organic superfoods designed to enhance your overall health and wellbeing, ranging from the highly antioxidant acai capsules to the nutrient dense algae chlorella.
The first Organic Burst products I tried were their maca and chlorella powders. I had previously tried maca – a powdered form of a root grown in the mountains of Peru – and really loved the amazing effects it had: it gives you such an energy boost equivalent to coffee (even helping me cut my caffeine addiction!) and helps balance your hormones so it’s fantastic for anyone of all ages from teenagers going through puberty to older women going through menopause. What sets Organic Burst maca apart from all others is that it is a unique blend of 4 different types of maca to make it extra nutrient dense, and although it can be an acquired taste I think it gives a delicious sweet caramel flavour without adding any horrible refined sugars that are so damaging to our health. My favourite way to use maca is always in the morning in pretty much anything I have for breakfast, whether it’s oats, smoothies, ice cream, or pancakes!
I next purchased the chorella powder, a microalgae with the highest amount of chlorophyll per gram of all plants on Earth . What attracted me to this powder was the fact that it contains vitamins D and B12, both of which I feel I could do with more of due to living in the rainy UK and my diet respectively. To be perfectly honest, when I first opened the bottle and got a wave of algae/pond smell it did put me of just a little, and the fact that I added way too much the first time I used it didn’t help either! But I didn’t let this deter me from trying again and again and now I actually find the taste not wholly unpleasant (in small quantities). I think it’s important to realise that these superfood powders are not meant to taste amazing, but they are so nutrient dense it makes it completely worth it! Just adding half a teaspoon to a teaspoon in your green smoothie or even your oats (check out my recipe here) is so beneficial to your health.
I was then lucky enough to receive a package from the wonderful Ekaterina at Organic Burst who sent me a bottle of their wheatgrass and baobab powders. I was nervous about trying the wheatgrass as I had previously tried wheatgrass shots and wasn’t exactly a fan (read: it was disgusting!). Luckily Organic Burst wheatgrass is harvested whilst still young so it tastes a lot better than other brands, and contains no gluten but high amounts of protein, omega-3, and fibre, making it perfect to add to juices which have the fibre removed. I love to use wheatgrass in my favourite green smoothie that I have almost every day, or even in pancakes or a dressing for my zoodles!
Baobab comes from the fruit of the baobab tree in Africa, which dries naturally in the pod and so is completely pure. It has high levels of both vitamin C and iron, which is why I always take it when I feel run down or like I have a cold coming on. Baobab supports the immune system, boots iron uptake, and gives you energy. Due to its fruity taste I like to have it in tropical smoothies, fruity oats, and even in curry (yes you read that right)!
Because I love Organic Burst so much I decided to complete my collection by buying the acai berry capsules and spirulina tablets. The acai is freeze-dried immediately after picking and packaged into capsules to ensure none of the goodness and antioxidant power is lost while it gets from the plant to you! My favourite way to eat the capsules is to empty between 4 and 8 capsules into my nana ice cream or make an acai smoothie bowl and top it with lots of superfood goodness like coconut, mulberries, and cacao nibs!
Spirulina is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while now so I was really excited to try these. I chose the tablets because then I can choose between swallowing them to get all the goodness instantly, or crushing them with a pestle and mortar and adding them to my zoats for some greeeeeeeeeny breakfast yumminess. I especially love that spirulina contains so much plant protein (all the essential amino acids!) to really supercharge smoothies which otherwise are mainly carbs and water. It also contains vitamin B6 which is great for your immune system and cognitive functions, which really makes me wish I had been taking it during my exams!
The wonderful thing about Organic Burst is that not only do they care about their customers but also about where their products come from. They work with various non-profit associations to support sustainable development and ensure that locals receive a fair wage. In short, I think Organic Burst are wonderful and their superfood powders are so easy to incorporate into your daily food habits. Even if you don’t like the taste of the green powders there are even chlorella and spirulina tablets available so you don’t have to miss out. So go on, head over to the Organic Burst website now, you know you want to!
Oh hey, if you read this far you should scroll back up to the top and read the updated post, because I promise you pretty much everything written in this post is lies drip-fed to me by the company.
I was wondering did the organic burst’s maca powder ever give you stomach pain? I want to try maca powder, and I’ve been researching it, and there’s always comments about pain being caused from digesting it. Thanks, your blog is awesome!
It didn’t for me no, I’ve never had any problems with it. But if you’re worried I would suggest starting out with only half a teaspoon per day for the first week or so, see how that goes, and then gradually increase it to a whole teaspoon. Personally I never have more than that per day as I feel it’s enough to give me the positive benefits 🙂 But obviously everyone is different!
Hello, can you tell me about your new view of organic burst?
Hi, I’ve written a detailed blog post all about it here: If you have any other questions feel free to send them my way!
Could you link me to your new post on your view of superfoods?
Hi, I’ve written a detailed blog post all about it here: If you have any other questions feel free to send them my way!